jewelry, spanish brand, vogue magazine

Jewelry brands very unique girl should have on her radar

For some people often view jewelry as an accessory to compliment their outfit. but if you ask some people the Jewelry is the outfit, it is the moment, when I say this I think of Selma Kaci,  with her very personal style you can’t help but notice her jewelry, the way she styles them and make them work, is immaculate. or the queen her self Lori Hirshleifer.

I taught of creating this list to share my favorite Jewelry brands that happens today to be Spanish. So you can spice up your outfit or let it be the outfit.

Jewelry Brands From Spain You Should Know About


Founded by two siblings Paola and Humbert Sasplugas. is a Barcelona based Brand that came to life in 2015. They specialize in crafting affordable yet elegant and effortlessly chic pieces. catering to individuals seeking style and sophistication without breaking the bank. I’m a big fan of their latest  Pinterest posts, the visual story telling is very compelling and eye catching. For us, jewelry is a powerful tool of expression, and our pieces are designed so that each person can tell their unique story.” – Paola Sasplugas, Creative Director

Find it Here:


Created by Rocío and Jorge, this handmade jewelry brand is designed and crafted by them in the city of Valencia. When you see a Simuero piece you know it’s theirs! The peices are beautiful yet imperfect, vibrant, and authentically real, ensuring that each piece takes center stage. Celebrities and IT girls like Hailey Bieber, Kendal Jenner have already been seen wearing their pieces as well.

Find it Here:


The brand and the atelier is based in the north of Spain in Asturias. Jeweler and also and architect, Paula le Touquet jewelry brand is made of as she defines it an artisanal, atemporal and unique pieces. the vibe this brand is giving me is soft and feminine, a lot of inspiration from flowers, in different shapes and forms. I really like of the way she is presenting her pieces on Instagram,
gorgeous is the word here.

Find it Here:

Thank you for reading and you time! This was a first list of Jewelry brands that are from and Based in Spain, worth checking, hopefully if this blog post gets traction I will make a second list In similar note, Here is a list of Turkish Brand to check out.